Accept the quest and go talk to Prospector Ryedoll further south, he will give you the quest. It’s on the floor under the tent next to a big keg. A sign of Hope (Dungeon) To get this quest you must first find a Crumpled Map in Badlands at Hammertoe’s Excavation site (53,34).Any DPS class ( Rogue, Hunter, Warlock, etc) is of course always welcome.Mage is really nice to have, there are some parts where AoE is useful.Healer: Priest, Druid, Shaman or Paladin.The healer of course can be the lowest one, it doesn’t matter. Try to have the average of your group around level 38-42. Level 45 Maximum or things will start to be grey to you.
And these quests are a huge XP boost, namely 3 of them give more than 5000 XP each. Well with this guide, you will know all the secrets and will even be able to complete all the good Uldaman quests in one instance run. The quest line is also rather complicated so most people get confused and give up. Well, you can do the first half of Uldaman with a group of 40s but not the other half (which is at the same time the most interesting one). The dwarves at the entrance of Uldaman are level 36 Elites mostly, that’s the reason why everyone thinks it should be easy to go there at level 40 or so. Uldaman is one of the not so popular instances, mostly because it’s highly misunderstood.