The story begins with Link being woken by Navi, who tells him that it's time to wake up.Link is seven years old when he wakes up from his dream about the Triforce and Hyrule Castle.Link is a child in the beginning of Ocarina of Time.Link was also depicted as being 8 years old during Majora's Mask and 10 years old in Twilight Princess. Link is born with an age of 7, but after the events in Ocarina of Time he becomes 16.
How to Set the Time on a Sony Dream Machine How old is Link in the beginning of Ocarina of Time? Press enter again to adjust hours and minutes, or select auto for automatic adjustment. Use your cursor to highlight time and press enter. Press the menu button, then press set/reset.
How do you set the time on a digital clock?.What is DST button on Sony Dream Machine?.How old is Link in the beginning of Ocarina of Time?.